Sunday, April 20, 2014

Euglena Reproduction

Euglena undergo asexual reproduction by binary fission. Reproduction by binary fission involves the process of mitosis, in which the organelles are duplicated and the two sets separate to from two identical daughter cells. Although Euglena contain some characteristics of animals, no sexual reproduction has ever been recorded. 

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wierd Euglena Facts

  • Most Euglena appear green however some species actually look red in the sunlight. 
  • Euglena have an eye spot, which can find sunlight for photosynthesis.  
  • Euglena are highly adaptable and can survive in fresh and salt water, and if conditions become unfavorable they simply go into hibernation. 
  • Some types of Euglena are mixotrophs. In the sunlight they photosynthesize, but in the dark they are heterotrophs. 
  • You can purchase a Euglena stuffed animal on Amazon if you want! 
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Classification of Euglena Spirogyra

Euglena habitat

Euglena can live in fresh and salt water, however they mostly live in streams, ponds, lakes, and other small fresh water sites.

The best characteristics of a habitat for Euglena are:

  • plenty of sunlight 
  • rich in organic matter 
These characteristics allow for photosynthesis to occur easily.  However, if a Euglena finds itself in a unfavorable habitat, it will turn into a spore and become inactive until its surrounding conditions become better.  

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Euglena spirogyra

Flagellum A long, lashlike appendage serving as an organ of locomotion 
Reservoir- Used for storage
Stigma- Allows the Euglena to detect light so that it can move towards it to conduct photosynthesis.
Chloroplast- A plastid containing chlorophyll that helps the Euglena spirogyra to conduct photosynthesis.
Contractile Vacuole - Periodically expands, filling with water and then  it contracts, expelling its contents to the cell exterior.
Pellicle- Stiff membrane made of proteins and somewhat flexible, can also be used for locomotion when crunching up and down or wriggling.
Nuclear- The central organelle which contains DNA and controls the cell's activity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Supergroup: Excavata

Excavata: from (ex) a cavity (cavus) 


  • unicellular 
  • capable of movement 
  • multiple flagella (2-4) 
  • feeding groove (aka the excavate) 
  • reproduce by means of binary fission 
  • may be phagotrophic, osmotrophic, or photosynthetic
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